This can be done by using Security Group data restrictions.
1) Create a condition as below:
Condition Name : TESTSTATUS
Condition expression is VALUE IN ('APPR','WAPPR','DRAFT') <Make sure there is no colon (:) in the expression and also no validation required>
2) Apply condition in Security group :
Select require security group and go to data restrictions tab.
Enter new row :
Application : <Application name>
Type : Qualified
Condition : TESTSTATUS
Reevaluate : Checked
Save the security group and signout & signin again.
Now you can able to see the only require statuses in List and Advanced Search Tab.
Note :
1. In condition, make sure there will be no COLON ':' in condition expression. No validation require at condition.
2. By applying condition to SYNONYMDOMAIN at security group data restrictions, it will be applicable all synonymdomains for that application. Usually for any application, synonym domains values (not maxvalue) will be unique.
1) Create a condition as below:
Condition Name : TESTSTATUS
Condition expression is VALUE IN ('APPR','WAPPR','DRAFT') <Make sure there is no colon (:) in the expression and also no validation required>
2) Apply condition in Security group :
Select require security group and go to data restrictions tab.
Enter new row :
Application : <Application name>
Type : Qualified
Condition : TESTSTATUS
Reevaluate : Checked
Save the security group and signout & signin again.
Now you can able to see the only require statuses in List and Advanced Search Tab.
Note :
1. In condition, make sure there will be no COLON ':' in condition expression. No validation require at condition.
2. By applying condition to SYNONYMDOMAIN at security group data restrictions, it will be applicable all synonymdomains for that application. Usually for any application, synonym domains values (not maxvalue) will be unique.