Friday, 24 July 2015

Automation Script - Retrieve List

Sample code - Retrieve list event of attribute launch point in automation script:

In my example, I want to display only PR companies starting with "SK".

1. Created a table domain, TEST_COMP_SK
2. Create a attribute launch point and select option "Retrieve List".

Launch point name: TEST_PRVENDOR
Object: PR
Attribute: VENDOR

Script Language: jython

Source Code:

domainid = "TEST_COMP_SK"
listWhere = "COMPANY LIKE 'SK%'"
listOrder = "COMPANY"

Save the script.


Now you can test in PR application - Company lookup - It will display companies starting with SK and order by company name ascending.

Below information will give the list of implicit variables in Retrieve List event:

1. domainid - Specifies the domain that is used to provide the list of values that are shown for the attribute launch point.
2. listWhere - Establishes which set of result data is displayed and which filter is set before the results are shown. Set the listWhere variable to a WHERE clause that uses the related MBO.
3. listOrder - Set to any ORDER BY attribute names that are used to order the results of the retrieve list event.
4. relationObject - Applies to the related MBO that is searched from the current MBO.
5. relationWhere - Establishes the criteria that is used to perform the retrieve list event. Set to a WHERE clause that queries the related MBO.
6. srcKeys - Applies to the set of attribute names from the current MBO that is used to lookup a related record in another related or target MBO. For example, the set of attribute names from the current MBO might be used to look up that FAILURECODES field from the ASSET business object.
7. targetKeys - Applies to the set of attribute names in the target MBO that is looked up from the current MBO on which the attribute launch point is defined.
8. listErrorGroup - Identifies the group ID of the message that the user sees when the retrieve list event fails.
9. listErrorKey - Identifies the key ID of the message that the user sees when the retrieve list event fails.




Devikanth said...

Hi Srikanth,

If we add the app attribute to this script then I believe it is possible to have a dynamic lookup that shows different values across different application for the same attribute. Is my understanding correct ?

NJSR said...

Yes you can

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