While importing records into Maximo using continuous queue, after certain amount of errors (in my case, after every 10 errors) in message reprocessing application, continuous queue stopped working.
To solve this issue, I followed below steps:
1. Enable MDB bean for cqin err:
Take a backup of "ejb-jar.xml" from "<Drive>:\IBM\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\mboejb\ejbmodule\META-INF"
Open the file from "ejb-jar.xml" in notepad++, search for "MEA MDB for error queue". Uncomment it.
<!-- MEA MDB for error queue
<!-- MEA MDB for error queue-->
Take a backup of "ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi" from "<Drive>:\IBM\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\mboejb\ejbmodule\META-INF"
Open the file from "ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi" in notepad++, search for "MEA MDB for error queue". Uncomment it.
<!-- MEA MDB for error queue
<ejbBindings xmi:type="ejbbnd:MessageDrivenBeanBinding" xmi:id="MessageDrivenBeanBinding_1" activationSpecJndiName="intjmsacterr">
<enterpriseBean xmi:type="ejb:MessageDriven" href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#MessageDriven_JMSContQueueProcessor_2"/>
<!-- MEA MDB for error queue-->
<ejbBindings xmi:type="ejbbnd:MessageDrivenBeanBinding" xmi:id="MessageDrivenBeanBinding_1" activationSpecJndiName="intjmsacterr">
<enterpriseBean xmi:type="ejb:MessageDriven" href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#MessageDriven_JMSContQueueProcessor_2"/>
Rebuild and Redeploy maximo.
2. Login into Maximo:
Go to --> System Configuration--> Platform Configuration --> Select "Crontask setup" --> Search for "JMSQSEQCONSUMER" and open it.
Create a crontask instance of "CQINERR", Schedule "30s,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*", Runas user "MAXADMIN".
In parameters, Enter below values:
MESSAGEPROCESSOR = psdi.iface.jms.QueueToMaximoProcessor
QUEUENAME = psdi.iface.jms.QueueToMaximoProcessor
Activate the instance and save the crontask.
3. Change destination of errors in websphere:
Login into websphere.
In Left panel --> Expand "Service Integration" --> Click on "Buses" --> Right panel click on "intjmsbus"-->Under "Destination Resources" click on "Destinations" -->Click on CQINBD -->Under "Exception Destination" select "Specify"--> Enter the value CQINERRBD --> Click "Apply" --> Save it into master --> Click ok --> Save it into Master.
Note: No need to restart server.
Import 100 error records into any application and search in message processing that all 100 records exists in it. Earlier it was only 10 error records in my case, now it shows all 100 records.
In websphere, you can notice that all error records are moved into cqinerrbd destination.
I hope this article may help to some one who are new to maximo websphere process. As I suggest always, first try in development environments and also above mentioned parameters may differ based on environments.