Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Display "Select Action" menu on toolbar

In Maximo 7.6.1, system property is added to display "Select Action" menu on toolbar. Or else it will display on side bar.

System property name: mxe.webclient.showSelectActionInToolbar
Set to 1 to always show Select Action drowdown in the toolbar.

After Maximo upgrade toolbar actions are missing

When I upgrade to Maximo 7.6.1, toolbar options are not displayed.

Solution: Go to System Properties application --> search for "mxe.webclient.showOnToolbar"

Change global value to empty, I mean left it blank.

Save the property and do live refresh.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Enable/Disable MIF authentication

Disable MIF authentication:

In Maximo 7.6.1 --> System property --> mxe.int.allowdefaultlogin = 1
This property also overrides the ALLOWDFLTLOGIN settings in the ejb-jar.xml file for the default integration user.
source: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSLKT6_7.6.1/com.ibm.mam.doc/overview/c_new_mif_sys_prop_.html

NOTE: Cluster environment, restart all the clusters.

Enable MIF authentication:

Maximo authentication is enabled by setting the mxe.useAppServerSecurity system property to 0 (false).
If maximo authentication is enabled, all HTTP-based inbound transactions must specify an HTTP header with the following attributes:
username:password (User credentials encoded to base64 format)

Note: I used this website to encode base64 https://www.base64encode.org/

Maximo Application Server authentication is enabled by setting mxe.useAppServerSecurity system property to 1 (true).

Take a backup of "ejb-jar.xml" from "maximo/applications/maximo/mboejb/ejbmodule/META-INF".
Modify "ejb-jar.xml" : ALLOWDFLTLOGIN as 1 (change 4 entries)

The ALLOWDFLTLOGIN value must be set to 1 (true) for each of the following services in the XML file:
Enterprise Services
Object Structure Service
Standard Services
Workflow service

Note: The default integration user is not supported if you use the REST API or OSLC API. After you update the ejb-jar.xml deployment file, you must rebuild and redeploy the Maximo EAR file.

Source: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21965724 

Always try above steps in non production environments.

Maximo SOAPUI error javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException

SOAPUI error while sending payload to below url (in cluster environment) http://localhost:9080/meaweb/services/MXASSET Error : <f...