Wednesday 4 April 2012

How to create custom condition class

There are two types of Conditions in Condition Expression Manager:
1. Expression
2. Class

To use Type Class in Condition, need to create a custom condition class.
1. Create a custom condition class which implements CustomCondition interface.
public class ConditionClass implements CustomCondition {
public boolean evaluateCondition(MboRemote mbo, Object param)throws MXException, RemoteException
if(<business logic>)

<business logic>
return true;
<business logic>
return false
public String toWhereClause(Object parm, MboSetRemote msr)throws MXException, RemoteException

<business logic>
 return <sql>

2. CustomCondition interface have two methods:
a. evaluateCondition(MboRemote mbo, Object param): this method is used to evaluate condition and returns either true or false based on the business logic written in it. This return boolean value.
 b.toWhereClause(Object parm, MboSetRemote msr) : This method is used to return sql to the object which this condition is applied.This returns String.

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