Monday 20 April 2015

Maximo Automation Script - Create Action Launch Point

It is simple to create a action launch point.

In my case, I have created a sigoption in Purchase Order application.

1. Sigoption name is : CREATEPOEXT - by using app designer

In sigoption --> Advanced Signature Options --> select the radio button "This is an action that must be invoked by user in the UI"

Give the position in your select action menu in app designer.

Grant access to this sigoption in your security group applications.

2. Automation script

Go to System Configuration --> Platform Configuration --> Automation Script application
From list tab --> Select "Create" --> click on "Script with Action Launch Point"

Enter Launpoint name same as your sigoption created for your application:
Active: Yes
Object: PO
Note: Action name will auto generate same as launch point name.
Click next and enter your variables and automation script. Save the record. That's it.

3. Main point is, you don't have to create a Action separately in Actions applications.
for ex: Action "CREATEPOEXT" automatically created in Action applications.

Action will be created like below, in our case:

Object: PO
Type: Custom Class
Note: Above value is common class for all action launch point related actions.
In parameter, you noticed that there are three values. Let me explain what are they
1. Script name
2. Launch point name
3. Action name
in my case all names are "CREATEPOEXT"

So by any chance, if you miss any of those values in your "parameter" field of action, then it will throw error at the point of automation script execution.



tyler said...

Nice Post! Do you ever experience times when the action is not created? Also, if you migrate from one environment to the next, make sure you grab the action otherwise your script won't work.

tyler said...

Nice Post! Do you ever experience times when the action is not created? Also, if you migrate from one environment to the next, make sure you grab the action otherwise your script won't work.

NJSR said...

Actually never migrated action launch point. But this is very good point to be noted.

Thank you Tyler.

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